The Partners of WAHM Addicts

My photo
Krista Clyburn - Owner and Partner of Wahm Addicts
Ellen Levinas - Partner of WAHM Addicts

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Super Dooper Giveaway! Hurry time is running out! Enter to win prizes that total more than $3100.00!

Oh I just have to mention this little gem of a site. for fabulous customer service and products for your family! They have it all! Enter "wahmaddict" to get an additional 10% off!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009



Wahm Addicts Will let Anyone Win the Jackpot! But like the Lotto You got to be in it to Win.

Brooklyn, New York – March 21, 2009. Wahm Addicts starts its giveaway kick off on Saturday, March 21, 2009, with a jackpot full of merchandise stemming from electronic products to hand made items! A sure fire way to capture the attention of many that support the work-at-home business sector and beyond.
Wahm Addicts in conjunction with Doodlebug & Peanut Creations, a premier childrens and baby online store; decided that it was time to step it up and truly support the work-at-home business sector by putting together a huge giveaway valued at over $3,100.00. The goal is to bring together those that are working at home and unite them together for a greater good. There is no purchase requirement for this giveaway at all, and anyone can enter at this location:

This giveaway kickoff will run from March 21, 2009 all the way through July 3,2009, with the winners being drawn on July 4th. Two, lucky winners will win either the business package or the family package, but rest assured that any winner will really have something to celebrate on this coming July 4, 2009. “Since economy has yet to be stabilized, people everywhere, from all walks of life, and all kinds of businesses have been hit hard both online and offline.” Ellen and Krista said. “The time has come to step it up a bit, and really support the work-at-home business sector, with something to look forward to; to unite everyone; shop from one another, and most importantly support each other in times of hardship. Tired of the doom and gloom the world is talking about, it was time to work differently. It is not about us, it is about everyone out there working harder than ever to achieve success. We are a work-at-home community that is giving back and giving to each other, you just can’t get much better than this.” Ellen Levinas, Executive Team Leader/Partner, Krista Clyburn, Founder,

If you want to win, and win big, all anyone has to do is enter. Giveaways take place all of the time, but not on a grand scale such as this one. Just like lotto you got to be in it to win, and with no purchase requirement, anyone has a chance to win this Jackpot!

For additional information contact:
Krista Clyburn

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wahm Addicts IS Different, Why?

Wahm Addicts IS Different, Why?

By Ellen Levinas, MVA

If you take Networking, combine that with the new social media wave, and then add in a family that is committed, and united to succeed you have a recipe for success, and that recipe is none other than Wahm Addicts, or work-at home moms and men that are addicted to succeed!

The work-at-home arena has drastically increased throughout the years, and even more so now; thus, we had the age of Networking, and now what is called Social Media, does it work? Yes it does, but not without the right people that are willing, able, and committed to one another in more ways than one. All to often we see people joining many different avenues because of the "me, me" aspect. What does this mean? It means while everyone is of course wanting and needing to make a living, there is no giving of oneself to help others. Everything, in other words, is all about the "me" and not about helping or guiding someone else. There is no secret in that if you give from your heart you will get back ten times over, but with Wahm Addicts it is my personal opinion that the "me" factor is limited, there is more of the "what can we do for you" aspect than anything else. Does that make us different? You bet it does!

Not only do we assist work-at-home moms and men, we also provide a platform to support individuals, give advice, find the best resources out there and share them, shop from one another, and a host of other things! Wahm Addicts is geared to support the work- at-home-person in ALL aspects, not to mention the new found friendships that have stemmed, or will form from all of the hard work and effort associated with Wahm Addicts. In reality Wahm Addicts aims to please the very significant American work-at-home person, and it does not matter why type of businesses that they are involved in. Could be home crafters, direct-sellers, or car mechanics, if we can help you we will, and if we must look for answers to help, we will do that too. Wahm Addicts goal is to provide a one stop platform where all can learn from one another, help each other to where it is mutually beneficial for all, but more often than not, we put the information out there to help everyone be the very best that they can be. So again I ask, are we different? YES, we most certainly are! We welcome all to join us and to benefit from what we have to offer with a multitude of different sites that will fit everyone's needs.

So what are YOU waiting for? The time is right, the time is now, and the help is there for the taking!

Remember to give, and you shall receive.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Feeling Fine During The Recession, But Why?

Feeling Fine During The Recession, But Why?
by Ellen Levinas, MVA

Although times are tough for just about everyone, there is one place where a "family" so-to-speak of work at home moms and men are united to help beat these recession blues. is a social Networking site that has far surpassed most of the other Networking sites out there, as their mission is to unite everyone in one major platform and help those in need of guidance, or those that need help staying afloat in hard times. Is it working, yes it is! Boasting a full leadership staff, and tons of groups stemming from shopping all the way to free reprint articles and more, individuals can find what they need when they need it, making it very easy to learn, ask questions, get answers, and become a part of a family second to none in the social Networking arena. Simply put this group does not give up, and quitting is never an option! Those that do not quit will ultimately prevail with assistance from this Networking group! Even if someone is a newcomer to the work at home field, you can get advice and assistance from this Network. So what's the catch? There is none! Anyone is welcome to join freely! You just can't get much better than that! Join today completely for free, and reap the rewards! Beat those recession blues where staying positive is mandatory!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Winter humdrums?

Visit us today at for great shopping!

Working hard is not a problem for me. I can easily put my all into any project. Here at WAHM Addicts we have strived to provide a platform for the work at home person to be seen by the public. It is up to them to push themselves to use all that is available to them. Advertising on our main site is a wonderful way to get your products into the limelight. First page google search for wahm is not bad right?

Our Auction house WAHM-Bay is now open that allows you to sell things in the work at home community or to the public as well. It's free until April 15th so why wait? Get those listings in now!

We have directories, top 100 sites, safe lists, free advertising here and there. We blast out our information in groups, we make a presence on various social network sites and we continue.

Our blogs are a great way to get linked up. The most important one being on the main site.
Don't miss out! Get involved.

When old man winter is knocking you down and you just feel you can't do anymore, ask yourself, if I do not push myself a bit further, is this the day I will miss a sale? Do you want to take that chance?

If you need help all you have to do is ask at WAHM Addicts. We would love to help you along.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Addicted to Success? Why Quit!

Brooklyn, New York – February 10. 2009 – Wahm Addicts, has officially re-opened its doors featuring everything from soup to nuts in order to help both men and women truly succeed during this economic slum and beyond! Are you addicted yet? has officially re-opened its doors to a total super site filled with resources to the max, such as Wahm-Bay an auction portal, shopping directory, business directory,classifieds, state-by-state directory, a women’s club, coming soon a men’s club, advertising opportunities, work-at-home opportunities and so much more. Already a success on, Wahm Addicts main site is here to guide anyone to achieve their hopes and dreams with guidance, assistance, and a leadership team that is second to none!

Both Krista Clyburn and Ellen Levinas offer a power house of knowledge and information to anyone that is committed to achieve success in whatever business a person may be involved in. To make matters even better, off line chapters will be started in each state. By doing this anyone has a complete and total avenue of success to walk upon. All of Wahm Addicts sites are incorporated into one large massive portal deemed Wahm Addicts Enterprises, LLC, a true recipe for ultimate success. “We have been preparing for our re-grand opening for some time now.” Both Krista and Ellen said. “It is our extreme pleasure to bring to you a professional site that everyone can utilize in order to achieve exactly what they are looking for.” Krista Clyburn, Founder/Executive Leader,, Ellen Levinas, Partner/Executive Leader

Anyone that joins, which is free, will also be entitled to a free listing in the state directory, and shopping directory in the month of February. Already on the first page of Google, there is no turning back once addicted to success! Needless to say it is encouraged to join the Wahm Addicts social site thereby getting listed on a super site that has only just begun to surface its achievements.

Founded in August 2007, Wahm Addicts and its associated websites are geared towards work-at-home mothers and men for empowerment at its best. More information about Wahm Addicts can be found at and

For additional information contact: Krista Clyburn or Ellen Levinas by sending an email to


Friday, January 30, 2009

New Advertising site!

WAHM Addicts has opened a new advertising site! It's just for shoppers and business people! Join free, there are no requirements. Get your business out to the public on this open membership!

Join us at

Free is good!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009



For a limited time only, you may join The Sample Bag program for free if you want to be in the WA Biz in a Box! Please NOTE: Small catalogs and small samples only. Nothing full size! Half a page size works very well! (LIMITED TIME ONLY SO HURRY!)

Now about the product!
Nowhere else can you find a complete business in a box starter kit that allows you to research direct sales companies or business opportunities, their products, and gives you a complete support system to get you off the ground and running! Don't bother with listening to recorded calls, long boring conversations only to find out you don't want their products as a business. Do this in the privacy of your own home! Choose carefully and research into each company, their products, and the representative with out the hassles or pressures!

For businesses that are in the kit, you have a very targeted lead because they choose you!

Want a home business but have no idea where to start? Do not know what would work for you or fit your personality?

The WA Biz in a Box is just what your looking for! Three fantastic guides to take you from the beginning;

How to start your own Home-based Business. This guide will teach you what to avoid and how to choose which business fits you well. It’s a must if your just starting out.

Than our awesome WA Biz Box Marketing Guide that shows you how to use your Wa Biz Box effectively to get the most leads you can while being very cost effective and branding your name and business. A complete marketing strategy guide! Saving money is a must when starting out!

Lastly, you will get the complete Online Party guide to take your business online and market to individuals for successful sales. You will be taught how to present a successful party with giveaways, contests, and your specials!

Also included in this serious start your business package is your own Wa Biz Box, One Entry Pad, One Sticky Pen,
10 - 12 companies that want you to see their business and products with small samples attached so you may try each one out and find what is best for you.
After, you go through all your information, you may now make an informed decision for the best fit! We also offer guidance over 3 emails if you need further assistance in helping you start your business.

All of this for the very reasonable price of only $39.99. That’s less then what you would pay in an hour to a career counselor!

Note: The box does not come decorated as it is made for you to customize for your own business.

For those only wanting a lead box, lead pad and sticky pen just click on the link below!


"Your Online Party Guide" is a published guide, now selling on Amazon and Target. Here are some screen shots. (You will get the updated version!)

Thus, this kit is a super value to get you started in business BOTH ONLINE AND OFF LINE, and on the right track with all the information that you need right at your fingertips! Easy as 123, purchase, read, choose, go for it, then place your wa biz box in a high traffic area, and you are good to go! FANTASTIC!

For more information click on

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Work at Home Parents - This is success?

Work at Home Parents – This is success?

Enjoy a little bit of humor.

By Krista Clyburn
January 10, 2009

My life is a scale that is consistently unbalanced and I find it very difficult some days. Take a look into the typical day in the life of a work at home mom with four children.

Drag yourself out of bed. Say a prayer you make it through another day. Yay! Another day!
Kids screaming, brushing teeth, shoving down breakfast, yelling “I do not have this, I do not have that”, five minutes before they need to reach their bus stops. I frantically, run around grabbing what I can to help these totally unorganized aliens, oh sorry, children, get out the door in time because I really do not want to have to drive them in. There is a perfectly good way of transportation awaiting them.

Ah kids off to school. That morning project is finished in somewhat of a calm state. Now, the younger set that is still at home. After changing diapers, clothes, and getting breakfast, business needs to be taken care of. Ok, the baby of our house is set. He has had a morning dose of love, hugs, kisses, food, clean clothes, face washed, and now I pray I can get to provide my family with the extra income we need.

Emails. Wow, when you’re doing everything yourself you walk into an email program with at least 50 to 100 emails a day waiting for your responses or wasting your time with ads. Better yet a whole network or group is fighting back and forth over the stupidest of topics and they just think you have the time to jump in and fool around. Get real! All the responses done, an hour gone easily.
Take a break, play with your child, read stories, play a game, get a snack or drinks, more hugs and love.

Back to the work board. Now, take care of the details of your business, some have it easier than others but again when your working at home alone there is a mountain that can easily be built of “fall behind projects” and details that need to be taken care of. Another hour or two, gone.
Shoot the phone is ringing and it’s my Mother in Law. Love her dearly but know, if I pick up that phone another hour will be gone. Better get it in case there is something urgent. Bye, bye hour!
Go back to your child, more love, hugs, kisses, play time, cleanup, lunch, and whatever else you can cram in.

Clean? Oh my, the house is a mess, better run the vacuum, pick up the toys, clean the bathroom, the kitchen, the dishes, laundry etc…. Better get this all done because the parent at home feels so guilty that they are home in the first place. Even though running a business, taking care of children, the house better be neat for the other parent to come home too. Wow, the dust in that corner is big enough to make a small bird’s nest. What’s one more mouth to feed? It gets hidden by moving the couch and inch over for now. Two more hours gone.

Jump back to business, take care of bills, ordering, more emails! ARGHHHH the never ending emails!! Doesn’t anyone have a life anymore? Why are they all on their computers! Oh yea, the same reason I am. Sigh…..

Guess what? Another hour gone and the older ones are walking in the door. But where has the day gone, why do I feel I didn’t get anything accomplished? OMG, they want snacks, they need this and that at the Walmart for projects that are due tomorrow!! I turn on super mode. ARGHHH, the baby needs changing and more hugs, got to get to the grocery store, have to buy little Billy down the street a birthday gift, have to make dinner, get more laundry done, feed the dogs, the fish ( they can go a day without food) there is enough in the bottom of the tank from when the baby dumped the whole canister in! Two minutes saved! Yay!

The constant phone calls, the neighbor that wants you to watch their kids because you are home and NOT busy! Ha! Ya, I sit and eat bon bons all day and watch mushy soap operas. I wish I had a soap opera life. At least they have maids and run around in gorgeous clothing with their hair perfect. Hmm wonder if they would like my look? Hair thrown in a ponytail, sweats and t-shirts with stains from the baby or the dogs that decided they were so happy to see you they jumped all over you, covering you in their loving way with dirty paw prints! Ya, sign me up for the next model for Young and the Restless!

Ok, business is calling. I need to figure out twenty ways to advertise my whole network for free! Searching in all the places I have not searched. Came up with one! Good job! The network doesn’t agree. What do they know?

Kids are fighting in the background over who gets to play which game. Then they fight over the last pudding left! What next? The house is a mess again with all these kids running through and throwing their gear everywhere. Time for family management. In a huff, I start dishing out chores and orders only to get strange looks back. Have I lost my mind that I want them to help me out? Oh yes, aliens, they don’t have messy houses or Mothers that look like they might fly off the deep end at any minute. Right, I am the one in a tizzy and no one seems to get it. Baby needs changing again, dinner needs to be cooked, house needs to be cleaned up again and the never ending laundry just grew instead of going down. What is up with that anyhow?

Someone ordered a product, get into my shippers mode. Package it up after finding the packaging tape in the baby’s toy box. A half hour spent looking for that sucker. Get on USPS, print my labels, adhered, and set by the door for shipping, schedule the shipment, good to go!
Dinner still needs to be made!

More emails, guess what? They lost my whole website! Working on it for weeks and they can’t get the files up on the web. Nice! Is it a full moon? They are working on it. I am trying to be patient but in my mind, know that I am losing money every day it is not up and ready to go! People complaining that they are not getting enough business to their business. Ok, note, find fifty more ways to promote the site! Find more businesses to get involved in to make more money so you may offer others pay. Wow! I wonder if they will offer me pay from their businesses when they are successful. It would be nice wouldn’t it?

Argh, I have to write new guides to direct everyone on how to do everything in their business. I need to write guides for leadership teams. I need to write articles so people have FREE content to give out on their websites as a courtesy from my site and my passion of helping others.
Shoot! Dinner still needs to be made! Now husband calls! How was your day dear, he asks. In the calmest voice imaginable I say, just fine. Nothing I couldn’t handle. Do you think he believed the lie? Do I believe the lie?

50 more invites to networks that I just cannot handle. What’s this? Join the love your pet site? Ya, I love my pets but I don’t want to sit 15 hours a day and talk about them.
Dinner! The kids are complaining they are starving. They might drop over since they have not eaten since snack time. I am a horrible mother.

I go into the kitchen. Hmm nothing available to make quickly. Order pizza night! Love ordering out. Makes my life so much easier. Then the complaints start because the driver can’t find the house and they are over a half hour delivering our food. Darn them, don’t they know my kids have not eaten since three hours ago? The nerve!

Back to business, answer more emails; help more people, still searching for new and creative ideas to help my fellow work at home family. I get lost in my thoughts of a sunny beach, refreshing alcoholic drink in hand, and the ocean waves rocking back and forth slowly. Ahhhh, how wonderful that sounds. Then the baby pulls on my shirt, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Austin hit me. Wake up, back to reality!

Is it bedtime yet? I don’t care if it is the kid’s or mine. Someone needs to go to bed!
Baby is screaming, he fell while climbing to get fruit snacks! I jump up and go running worried I will find a head spewing blood all over. Thank goodness he is fine. More love, hugs, comforting.
Hubby will be home any minute! The house is a mess; the kids still don’t have their pizza. Did I eat today? Oh yes, I ate the crust off the baby’s sandwich!

Dogs are barking they want to come in. Hubby is home and is hungry, the laundry needs changing over, the emails are piling up, the kids need clothes for tomorrow, they need help with their homework, does it ever end?

My mother calls and says, “We never see you!” That is because I don’t want to see anyone anymore after days like this, is what is on my mind. Instead, I apologize and try to explain but there is no sense in it. They don’t get it.

Kids fed, baby changed, bathed, and pj’s are on. Time to relax? HA HA HA HA, no, time to start on business again. Then the hubby comes over and wants some attention. Get in line buddy! Passionate kisses? What are those? The closest I get to them now is a big sloppy kiss from my little one after eating a bowl of ice cream. Time alone, dear? What time? Sure, you have two minutes. Sorry, your time is up!

Fighting starts up a again and I need to get things posted on my site. I do not have time to be a referee! Bedtime! Go to bed every one of you! I love you but enough for one day! Kisses given out, goodnights given and I collapse in my computer chair. Now I can get work done!
It’s now 1:30 am……I can’t hold my head up any longer. Good night to my world. See you tomorrow when I get to have this successful life start all over again!
I lay my head down, smile; I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am queen of my domain.

This article was written with much sarcasim and a smile on my face. All material is the sole property of Krista Clyburn owner and founder of
and various top 100 and message board sites.
Permission to reprint is granted as long as all links are kept in tact, clickable and the content remains the same.